Monday, September 6, 2010

You Lose Your Out

Five football questions only one winner, X your wrong :-) your right
Q1 - In what year was Celtic FC set up?
Q2 - What English League team play their home league games in Roots Hall?
Q3 - What Irish team are also known as the Candy Stripes?
Q4 - How many caps do Ireland's Shay Given and Kevin Kilbane hold?
Q5 - Ladyswell Fc once played their games in what has become known as Ladyswell Park but what is the parks real name?

Mark Pearce

Ans 1 - 1888-------------------:-)
Ans 2 - Southend------------:-)
Ans 3 - Derry City-----------:-)
Ans 4 - 105---------------------:-)
Ans 5 - Pass--------------------X

Dermot Ennis
Ans 1 - 1888------------------:-)
Ans 2 - Bournemouth--------X
Ans 3 - Drogheda------------X
Ans 4 -105--------------------:-)
Ans 5 - No Idea---------------X

So the winner is Mark Pearce but what is the correct answer to question five - Well Ladyswell Park is also known as Dromheath Park.