Monday, September 20, 2010

Team Mates

The Senior Senior Talks Team Mates

Q1. Who is the worst Trainer?
Ans 1: Has to be me I always turn up late to get out of doing the laps.
Q2. Who is the most skillful?
Ans 2. Definitely Keitho .
Q3. Who is the biggest Pozer?
Ans 3. The Coatsey fella any chance he gets he whips off his top.
Q4. Who is the biggest moaner?
Ans 4. Coatsey no competition there.
Q5. Which one of your team mates most look like a cartoon character and which cartoon character?
Ans 5. Coatsey he looks like Wolverine.
Q6.Who is the least intelligent?
Ans 6. Chunk is the least intelligent he's a dummie.
Q7.Who has the best nickname?
Ans 7. Mini very true
Q8. We all know your over the hill and should be playing for the over 50's but which team mate would noteven get into that team?
Ans 8. Mmmm it would have to be Chunky
.....and finally we know that you were the culprit behind the XXl jerseys so who else would fit into them off the team?
Deco and Chunky no probs