Dear All Lads,
There seems to be some confusion regarding who is training where and when so to clarify any confusion I have detailed the training for each team below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you all the best going forward for the season ahead.
Saturday B (Mick Loftus' team) and Saturday C (Kevin Duggan's team) will do spinning together on Monday 8 to 9 in the National Aquatic Centre.
The Sunday team (Michael Wilder's team) will do spinning on Tuesday 8 to 9
The Under 19 team will do spinning on a Wednesday 8 to 9
*NB* (Please note it is 5euro for entry and if u wish to use the pool in the Aquatic centre you must have a swimming hat. Hats are available at the Aquatic centre for 2,50)
Saturday B (Mick Loftus' team) will do Astro on Wednesday in Coolmine from 8 to 9
Saturday C (Kevin Duggans team) will play astro in Ladyswell on Thursday 8 to 9
The Sunday team (Michael Wilders team) will do astro on Friday in Corduff 8 to 9
The Under 19's will play astro on Friday at 8 to 9 in Ladyswell
Yours Sincerely
Michael Wilders
Club Secretary