Ladyswell United Team Working
Over the past three years Ladyswell have developed and maintained the web page with the players in mind. We encourage all those who visit the web page to interact with us and give us your views.
Via Facebook
The newest addition to the Ladyswell online revolution, our Facebook page is a forum for players to add comments and views, add discussion topics and our Facebook page is even visited by opposing teams who are joining in.
A huge success from day one team mates has given players an opportunity to show the comical side of them and and more importantly allow a forum for team mates to have a joke at one anothers expense. If you want to take part in team mates contact Mark Moloney by text, or through the Ladyswell facebook page or at -
Its A Quiz Stupid
Ladyswell Fc ran a quiz each week last season where two team mates or one member of the Saturday team would face off against a member of the Sunday team to answer five quick fire questions about their football knowledge. Some where winners some where losers. Could you be the king of the Quiz?
No Pay but Play!
The newest addition to the Ladyswell website player interaction scheme. Where each week you will have the opportunity to get away with playing without paying subs, without the excuse of "it is in the car" or "it's in my other wallet" or the old reliable hide in the corner and hope the manager forgets you didn't pay. Details will follow keep an eye on the site for details.